Contact us
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding DelSiTech or the content of our webpages. Fill the form below and we will contact you:
Contact persons
For any inquiries, please contact:
- Carl-Åke Carlsson, MBA
- Chief Executive Officer
- DelSiTech Ltd
- Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 C
- 20520 Turku
- Finland
- Mobile: +45 22 85 73 78
For business enquiries worldwide, please contact:
- Frederic Dargelas, PhD
- Director, Head of Business Development and Alliance Management
- Mobile : +358 44 9877 624
For career, recruitment or training enquiries, please contact:
- Human Resources, (HR)
DelSiTech Ltd
- Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 C (PharmaCity)
- 20520 Turku
- Finland
- Phone: +358 2 2510 110
- E-mail: